purchase a prowl wristband and wear it to identify yourself as single and available to date.

Our signature wristband is designed to take out the guess work so you confidently approach that person who has caught your eye and spark up a conversation knowing that they are single and looking too.
So, if like so many of us amazing singles, you are tired of the countless hours spent in front of a computer instead of socializing among real people, confused trying to understand your 29 dimensions of compatibility, or just downright frustrated by roulette style attempts at trying to establish a connection through cyberspace, then it’s definitely time to try this unique and simple alternative to on-line dating sites like, Match.com® , eHarmony® or POF.comTM.
For less than a 3 month on-line dating membership, you can buy a Prowl wristband for a one-time fee of $18.99* and start identifying, meeting and talking to other singles TODAY.
(Buy Now Link Goes Here)
You control when you want to be on the Prowl. Wear it, or don’t, depending on the social situation or your mood. Our suggested everyday activities include wearing it while running errands, during your bus or train commute, during your workout, at nightclubs or bars, restaurants or attending concerts and lets not forget religious services too. You never know where you might run into that special person so don’t limit your chances – wear your Prowl wristband anywhere there might be other single “Prowlers”.
Our suggested opening line is, “Are you a friend of Constance”?